According to paragraph 5 of Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 463-IV dated July 20, 2011 “On State Regulation of Some Oil Product Types Production and Turnover” (hereinafter the Law), oil suppliers shall be entitled to purchase and (or) supply to producers of petroleum products crude oil and (or) gas condensate, and (or) refined products (except for low-capacity producers of petroleum products) if there are documents confirming their origin available.
The documents confirming the origin include:
- a documentconfirming the quality(quality certificate) of crudeoiland(or)gascondensate,and(or) refined products;
- a contract for sale and purchase and (or)transfer of crudeoiland(or)gascondensate,and(or)refinedproducts specifying the name of a fieldand the name of the producer of petroleum products,which is providedcrudeoiland(or)gascondensate(incase of sale to the producer of petroleum products) forprocessing;
- shipping documents issued in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on road transport, railway transport, inland waterway transport, main pipeline and the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Documents specified in part two of this paragraph shall be provided in hard copy and (or) in the form of an electronic document.
- the oil supplier owns fifty percent or more of the shares (participatory interest in the charter capital) in the subsoil user;
- the subsoil user owns fifty percent or more of the shares (participatory interest in the charter capital) in the oil supplier;
- the oil supplier and the subsoil user are controlled by a person who owns fifty percent or more of the shares (participatory interest in the charter capital) in the oil supplier and the subsoil user.
At the same time, PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP in its activities eliminates any barriers to admission of oil suppliers and oil producing enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan to refining services. A request for the crude oil refining services and notarised copies of the list of documents (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 500-V dated April 9, 2016) shall be submitted by registered mail or by courier to the following address: 244-A Nursultan Nazarbayev Ave., 050059 Almaty.