On April 23, 2024, the famous Almaty Choreographic School named after Alexander Seleznyov hosted a meeting with the participation of the Consul General of China in Almaty, Ms. Jiang Wei, the President of CNPC Central Asia and Russia, Mr. Bian Dezhi, and the President of PetroKazakhstan, Mr. Yang Mingyu.

The delegation congratulated the management and students of the choreographic school on the school’s 90th anniversary and expressed their willingness to keep supporting the art and culture of Kazakhstan.
A KZT2,000,000 certificate for improving the learning environment was awarded to the school on behalf of CNPC Central Asia and Russia, the second shareholder of PetroKazakhstan.

By the way, PetroKazakhstan has been supporting the team of the Almaty Choreographic School since 2008. Numerous artistic, school improvement, and infrastructure support projects have been implemented over the years of fruitful cooperation.

In addition, the sponsorship of the company allows the school to organize Orleu Annual International Contest of Choreographic Schools. More than 100 young artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Bashkortostan, Yakutia, Turkey, South Africa and others performed in it this year.
By acting as a long-term partner of the Almaty Choreographic School the company confirms its desire to develop cultural and educational projects in the country in practice.