Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis, grade 3 Raushan Zhubaniyaz was recognized as “Best technical labor protection inspector of 2023” in the republican competition, organized by Federation of Trade Unions of RoK.
On January 31 of this year as part of the final meeting of the General council of the Federation of Trade Unions of RoK there results of three republican competitions were summed up “Best Trade Union organization – leader in the field of labor safety of 2023”, “Best technical labor protection inspector of 2023” and “Best sanatorium of the year”, conducted among member organizations of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and trade union health resorts. The awards to the winners were presented by Satybaldy Dauletalin, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions.

The Federation of Trade Unions of RoK announced the last 2023 the Year of safe work. Under this auspices, thematic competitions were conducted at the republican level.
Based on the results of competition, the trade union organization of Atyrau oil refinery was recognized as the “Best Trade Union organization”. Trade union technical inspectors also competed with their achievements. In the competition “Best technical labor protection inspector of 2023” among enterprises of economy branches of real sector, awards were given to: Larisa Zubchenko, technical labor protection inspector, chairman of primary trade union organization of the Peasant farm “Uspenovski” of the Kostanaiski oblast, industry trade union of agricultural workers”; RAUSHAN ZHUBANIYAZ, technical labor protection inspector of “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources” JSC and Vladimir Shtukert, technical labor protection inspector of the branch of “Khrizotil” of public association of “Kostanaiski minerals” JSC. The winners of the competition were awarded a diploma and a cash certificate in the amount of 150,000 tenge.

The commission recognized “Sanatorium “Shuchinski” as the winner in the competition “Best sanatorium of the year”.
Finishing award ceremony, Chairman of FTURK Satybaldy Dauletalin thanked the winners of competitions for contribution to the creation of safe working conditions at enterprises and in the field of health improvement and rehabilitation of trade union members.
Prepared by public relations department from Internet resources sources