official website
Fire Safety and Emergency Response

The company has developed an Emergency Response Action Plan for the PKOSI AB building. The plan applies to all employees of the Company and contractors and subcontractors working in the Company’s building, as well as to visitors who may be in the office at the time of the emergency.
The action plan defines the possible types of emergencies, the actions of people in the building, the ways of safe evacuation from the building, the duties of responsible and evacuated persons. Twice a year, according to the action plan, evacuation drills are held on the signal “fire” and “earthquake”.
Periodically, office workers are trained in the use of fire extinguishers.
The office has introduced a single emergency number (“5555”) and has a 24-hour emergency operator.
There is a first aid kit on each floor. There are emergency boxes stocked with essentials, including a self-rescuer near each emergency exit.