official website

Handling the appeals and personal reception of citizens is one of the main mechanisms for enhancing the citizen trust. PKOP LLP constantly carries out the work on appeals of the citizens and arrangement of the personal reception of the physical persons and representatives of the legal entities of the Shymkent city.
The announcements about schedules of citizen reception by the managers of the Shymkent Refinery are published on the Company sites. Information about the days and time for citizen reception is placed on a special Company boards. Visual information on the procedure for reception and settlement of the appeals is placed on all boards of the Company buildings.
According to the approved schedules, the personal reception of citizens and representatives of the legal entities is held by the Company management daily on work days. The boxes for complaints and suggestions have been installed in all administration buildings of PKOP LLP. According to the analysis of work, most of the citizen appeals, received during the personal reception, relate to the matters of charitable and social assistance.
Also, every year, PKOP LLP renders charitable assistance to the needy families and gives a support to the Akimat of Shymkent city within the framework of the business social responsibility.
- (8 725 2)241370 - in Kazakh
- (8 725 2)241392 - in Russian
- (8 725 2)241420 - in English
- (8 725 2)241485 - in Chinese
PKOP LLP developed the Policy and procedure on the hotline (Policy No. 00-02) (open). This Policy is developed to enable employees of the Company and third parties to file complaints about suspected misconduct and/or inaction, unfair or fraudulent actions, to ensure proper processing of such complaints, to ensure protection of persons who have submitted complaints in good faith in accordance with this Policy against harassment and discrimination.
During the last three years, the legal department has not received any claims from the population of settlements nearby to the Refinery.
If employees have complaints, claims or suggestions, the employee has the right to leave a message in written form through special boxes for letters and offers.
In order to render assistance in the implementation of social projects of the city, a memorandum was concluded on mutual cooperation between the akimat of Shymkent and PKOP LLP on implementation of social projects within the frames of the program of social responsibility of business.