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HSE Guiding principles of the Company are:
- HSE requirements shall be a priority in all decisions made.
- Working safely is a condition of employment.
- Employees are obliged to know and comply with the HSE requirements, set in the employers’ acts when performing their job duties.
- Company is obliged to refer to HSE performance of an employee when evaluating his/her working performance as well as in all incentive programs of the Company.
- Company is obliged to provide HSE training to employees and the employees are obliged to pass such training and safety knowledge assessment as required by the legislation.
- Employees of all levels are directly responsible and accountable for HSE compliance within their job duties.
- Line Management must participate in HSE audits and inspections in person.
- Line Management jointly with employees are obliged to participate in hazards identification, risk assessment and control at their working places.
- All hazards must be promptly eliminated as reasonably practical.
- All accidents/ incidents and near misses must be reported, investigated, analyzed and dealt with.
- Consistent HSE standards shall be applied to suppliers’ management. HSE performance shall be considered when choosing a supplier of goods, works or services.
In order to implement the Company’s guidelines, “PetroKazakhstan Oil Products” (hereinafter – PKOP LLP) has introduced the Integrated HSE Management Structure (“AMAN” project), that consists of the High HSE Performance Committee and the following health and safety sub-committees:

instructions, rules and procedures sub-committee

HSE training and development sub-committee

information and communication sub-committee

HSE audit and HSE efficiency analysis sub-committee

contractor safety performance sub-committee

equipment integrity sub-committee
The following best practices were implemented as part of sub-committees’ operation:

conduct of behavioral safety observations (including driving behavioral safety observations)

development and introduction of HSE Golden Rules and Zero Tolerance Rules

the Code of Leadership and Commitment of PKOP LLP to compliance with HSE rules was developed

introduced monitoring and reporting system based on HSE key performance indicators

installed HSE information boards in the territory of the refinery and 24-hours information panel at the refinery’s entrance
On behalf of NC KazMunayGas JSC, a regulation on the use of the KORGAU card is being developed.
In accordance with international standards ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, PKOP LLP has developed the following documented procedures being a part of Integrated management system:
- DP-13-06-10 Organization and conduct of internal audits of ICS
- DP-13-01-19 Organization of environmental control
- DP-20-01-20 Metrological support
- DP-13-06-30 Risk and opportunity management. SWOT analysis
- DP-13-06-04 Organization of external and internal communications
- DP-13-06-02 Inconsistencies. Corrective and preventive actions
- DP-13-06-01 Management of documented information
- DP-13-02-12 Emergency preparedness and response
- DP-13-01-16 Environmental safety management
- DP-13-01-17 Waste management
- DP-13-01-15 Identification of essential environmental aspects
- DP-10-03 Requirements of legislative acts and other requirements. Compliance assessment
- DP-11-27 Quality control of petroleum feedstock and petroleum products
- DP-02-02-09 Education and training of personnel
- DP-13-02-30 Requirements for PPE
- DP-09-22 Maintenance and operation of railway network infrastructure
- DP-13-02-13 Identification of hazards and risk assessment in the area of health protection and safety
- DP-07-08 Energy efficiency monitoring
- DP-07-07 Energy planning
The Company is actively implementing the Employee Rewarding Program for Reporting of Near Misses, Unsafe Conditions / Actions, within the framework of which employees are quarterly rewarded and awarded with certificates and memorable pins.

The Company participates in the republican contests in the HSE nominations. Thus, in June 2019, at the V Annual Forum of General Directors of NC KMG JSC, an AWARD FOR A HIGH LEVEL OF SAFETY was presented to PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP.