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In accordance with the order, there are civil protection teams in the refinery territory formed from among the personnel of the refinery departments and contractor organizations:

emergency technical group for repair of power grids

emergency warning and communication group

emergency technical group for repair of air and heat networks

protective facilities maintenance groups

emergency technical group for repair of water networks and sewage

rescue team

radiation exploration group

sanitary team
In contractor organizations:
- rescue team
- mobile food supply point
- mobile petrol station
In addition to the above, the civil protection forces include regular bodies:
- gas rescue team
- fire rescue unit
- community policing group
The civil protection teams are equipped with all necessary equipment for emergency rescue operations in case of natural and man-made emergencies, both in the territory of the refinery and outside it.
In order to ensure the implementation of civil defense activities at PKOP LLP, there is a Civil Defense Headquarters (CD Headquarters) consisting of:
- Chief of CD Headquarters – Chief Technical Officer, Labor Protection – Director, HSE Department
- Material, technical and finance supply – Director, Economics and Planning, and Director, Financial Risks Control
- On tasks of evacuation, social safety and food – Director, Department of ALM&HR
- Engineering and technical support – Technical Director and Chief Engineer
- Safety – Leader, Security Team
- Fire Safety – Senior Fire Safety Engineer
- Communications and alerts – IT Manager
- Assistant to Chief of CD Headquarters – Coordinator, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations
Members of the CD Headquarters: Director, Operations; Chief of Energy, Chief Mechanic, Chief Metrologist, Chief Technologist, Director, Projects Control of CC&NPD.